Exploding Barrel


Exploding Barrel
Legitimately shocked this isn’t a package yet.
This is a barrel that explodes if you attack it.
Place the Exploding Barrel template in the world
Then attack it!
Useful properties to edit
  • baseDamage - how much damage the explosion will do to the player if they’re standing right next to it
  • innerRadius - used to figure out how much to shake the camera based on distance from the explosion
  • outerRadius - used in the camera shake and explosion damage calculation
  • falloff - Adjusts the damage and camera shake based on distance from the center of the explosion
  • health - How much damage you have to do to the barrel before it explodes
Useful functions
There’s a Reset function on the root locator of the Exploding Barrel that you can call to reset the barrel back to its original state.
You can also manually make the barrel explode by calling the Explode function.
DryCereal Games
Games Packages Crayta